We offer our Project Management Services to Clients who are new to Property Development, Clients who already own Property(s) and wish to develop or add value and Clients who need assistance with a particular part of the development process.
Our services and fees can be tailored to suit the client requirements.
In this process we consider our clients objectives, business plans, available capital, type of property, location etc. This enables us to identify a strategy and move to the purchase stage.
In this stage we start to identify properties suitable for development, conduct feasibilities and discuss the properties with the client. When a suitable property is located, we will make a recommendation to the client. The client will always make the decision to purchase.
Town Planning and Building Permits
Once a purchase is made we will engage and manage all relevant consultants on behalf of the client to undertake the development process. The services include design input, meeting with Local Councils, and where required attending VCAT hearings.
Once all relevant permits are obtained our Construction division can undertake the construction, or where required we will identify a suitable Builder and manage the Construction process on behalf of the client.
We will assist with the planning of the sales process, reviewing Sales prices and identify suitable selling strategies and selling agents. Part of the sales process includes identifying Fittings, finishes and colours to produce a "WOW" factor for prospective purchasers.
The primary objective of our Project Management service is to deliver the return on investment sought by the client and protect the Clients investment. Each section of the process is managed with the emphasis on minimizing and /or eliminating the various development risks.
Our secondary objective is to maximize the Client return by identifying opportunities to save cost or time, and reviewing the selling prices in line with market movements.
Our Property development and Project Management experience ranges from single home projects through to Multi Unit developments. The largest project managed by us is a 22 Dwelling apartment redevelopment.